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Physical portrait of Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin created a character today universally known: that of a kind of wanderer, whose bowler hat, cane, large shoes, pants falling and too wide, curly hair and mustache have become the symbol cinematographic art.
The most obvious character of Charlot is that of a kind of lunar Pierrot, platonic lover of some American Columbine, pursued by, the big bandits, the big bad guys (the contrast between the physical fragility of Chaplin and the musculature of his opponents is constant and remarkable).
He is a pretty miserable character who tries to deal with the hostile world around him, his burglars or his more or less honest tricks. (like the horseshoe placed in the boxing glove or the kick in the back thrown in a gesture of dancer ... / ...). He is a conqueror, sure of himself, dominating the universe by the idea he has of it.
He is also a poetic character, with his sensitivity and his lyricism: The Chaplin in love: - the blind in City Lights- or - the rider in The Circus. He is a marginal character, clown and playwright.
It is especially the triumphant and domineering aspect of Chaplin that is remarkable. When he fights, he always wins; the big cops and big bandits have only to behave well: Chaplin is invincible! Better still, he triumphs over the world, the company (in Golf Rush, he ends billionaire), the worst dictator, which he takes fortuitously.
He is then generous to the weak, pitiless for his vanquished opponents. David triumphs over Goliath as he mimics him in a dazzling way in The Pilgrim.
III) The art of Charlie Chaplin:
Chaplin is an acrobat, a mime, a dancer, an outstanding comedian. His art, essentially visual, is totally speechless and subtitles. He will say :
Each gesture, each flap of eyelid, each cabriole has a meaning, fits into a rigorous development. Chaplin wants all at once, to make laugh, move and make think. He achieves a genius that no one has ever equaled, thanks in particular to his prodigious talent as an actor-dancer on such famous pieces as ballet with machines in Modern Times, is an anthology.
There is a common denominator between sets, things and living things that surround Charlie Chaplin.

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