موضوع عن الحاسوب بالانجليزية
خاتمه عن الكمبيوتر بالانجليزي
بحث عن اهمية الكمبيوتر فى حياتنا اليومية باللغة الانجليزية
ايجابيات وسلبيات الكمبيوتر باللغة الانجليزية
برجراف عن الكمبيوتر والانترنت باللغة الانجليزية
تعبير كتابي عن الحاسوب
مواضيع تعبير باللغة الانجليزية مترجمة
بحث عن الكمبيوتر باللغة الانجليزية للصف الثانى الاعدادى
بحث عن اهمية الكمبيوتر فى حياتنا
وصف جهاز الحاسوب بالانجليزي

The description of a laptop

"My laptop is quite small, it only measures 25
centimeters wide and 15 centimeters in length and it's gray
dark. I chose to describe it because it is an object that I use at
daily. What makes my job so much easier is that it is
portable, so I can move it easily. He has a memory of 300
giga. Well
that it is very fragile and that its screen is small enough, it has other
advantages that suit me like its autonomy of 4 hours, its integrated camera and it emits a very good sound.
What I like about this object is the fact that it helps me
distract me on a daily basis thanks to the internet, I can have access to
games, movies ... it also helps me keep contact with my family that
I rarely see. I can transfer my photos and videos from my
cell phone and watch them on a bigger screen. But also
do some research and help me with homework if I do not have the
Required information. I find that this object can be very useful
if you know how to use it and not abuse it. "

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