تصفية الشركة بالانجليزي
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Limited Liability Company has a unique partnership of 20,000.00 Dh
Minutes of the meeting of 18/03 / ....... relative
the liquidation of the company
The year two thousand and eighteen the 18/03 / ......... at ten o'clock at the headquarters of the sté in casablanca was present:
Mr .......... the 01/01 / .......... to Mohammedia of Moroccan relationality residing in .................. CIN N ° ......... .. full ownership of 200 shares of 100 dh chasune by the company ............ .. AU capital of 20000.00 dh twenty Miles dh Mr ................
manager of the company, having deposited on the desk present at the meeting
- The legal file of the company whose statutes
- The inventory, the balance sheet and the income statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015.
- The agenda was as follows:
- Approval of the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015
- Discharge of the Manager for the financial year ended December 31, 2015
- Assignment of results
- Divers questions
- First resolution: the meeting approves the balance sheet the accounts of income and expenses at December 31, 2015 as they are present and stopped at December 31, 2015 whose result gives a loss of 5033.98 Dh
This resolution is adopted unanimously
Second resolution: the meeting of the Manager proposes to record the loss recognized for the year ended December 31, 2015 in the retained earnings account
Of which the amount will be carried forward to the account carried forward -5033,98 Dh
This resolution is adopted unanimously
Third resolution: the meeting as a result of the first resolution gives complete and definitive clearance of the management on 31/12/2015 to the manager of the company this resolution is adopted unanimously
Fourth resolution: the meeting grants full powers to the bearer of a copy of a copy hereof to complete all the necessary formalities
This resolution is adopted unanimously
The agenda was exhausted, the meeting rose at 12h
Of all that above, it was drawn up the present minutes which was signed after closed by the manager
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