السلامة الطرقية بالانجليزية
تعبير عن road safety
موضوع عن السلامه بالانجليزي
عبارات عن الامن والسلامة بالانجليزي
قواعد السلامة بالانجليزي
اسماء ادوات السلامة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الحوادث المرورية قصير بالانجليزي
برجراف عن road safety
عبارات عن السلامة المرورية بالانجليزي

Road safety is the set of rules and services that aim to ensure the safety of road users: pedestrians, motorists, motorcyclists, cyclists, etc.
Respect for the driving rules is essential for the safety of each road user and avoids many accidents, whether they are light or serious. Safety on the roads is everyone's business!
It is important to adopt a good behavior and respect between users.
Parents, behave in an exemplary way and teach your children the values ​​and principles of road safety! You are responsible for their learning: children often reproduce the behavior of their parents so be vigilant and take care to adopt a good behavior, not only to your safety and that of your family, but also that of all road users.
Road safety depends on all of us, whether we are pedestrians or drivers: hand in hand, build safer roads ... Because respecting the rules of conduct does not cost anything, but saving a life does not have to price...

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