نموذج استقاله بالانجليزي
نموذج طلب استقالة باللغة الانجليزية
ترجمة و معنى استقال بالإنجليزي
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نموذج استقالة عمل
I, the undersigned ................, Have the honor to present my resignation from the post of TELECONSEILLERE to the production department, as of the date of this letter.
I have noted that the terms of my employment contract provide for notice. However, and by way of derogation, I request the possibility of not making this notice given my state of health which has developed an allergy towards the carpet, and consequently to leave the company as of June 22, 2018, putting so end to my employment contract.
On my last day working in the company, please kindly me%
send a receipt for the balance of any account, a work certificate and a certificate of employment.
Please accept, Madam, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.
إرسال تعليق