تجربة الطلاء الكهربائي بالانجليزي
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كتاب الطلاء الكهربى للمعادن والبلاستيك
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Electrostatic painting, commonly known as electromagnetic painting, is done with a static-charged gun. We first have to positively load the metal object we want to paint (an aluminum coating, for example) and then we negatively charge the solvent-based paint. Thus, the paint particles that will be propelled by the gun will automatically be attracted to the negatively charged metal. Electrostatic painting controls the fumes and reduces the amount of paint in the air that can settle on adjacent surfaces.
The benefits of electrostatic painting
Electrostatic painting is a revolutionary smokeless method and a reliable and effective way to quickly restore multiple metal surfaces, such as aluminum and steel.
This process allows for much faster drying, in addition to providing a consistent and durable finish. Electrostatic painting gives the appearance of the new at a very economical price.
Difference between electrostatic painting and painting
Electrostatic paint is designed to be directed and drawn to steel and aluminum surfaces. This method of application avoids spreading the paint in the air and settling on all adjacent surfaces.
Electrostatic spray gun

The use of a spray gun can make work fast and easy.
However, it must be admitted that very often, a large part of the paint is sprayed elsewhere than on the object to be painted. Do not worry, there are now electrostatic paint spray guns, easy to use and economical in product.
Electrostatic spray gun: what is it?
Also known as a "spray gun", the electrostatic spray gun is specially designed to paint metal parts and stands out for its precision:
• The paint is attracted by an electrostatic process on metal surfaces.
• It therefore settles smoothly and evenly over the entire surface you are painting.
This technique uses the laws of electrostatic fields. The painting is guided towards the piece to be painted by a magnet effect.
The use of this gun prevents drips because the right amount of paint is deposited on the object. It also allows the painting of difficult to reach surfaces, without dirtying everything around it (gate, balustrade, metal garden furniture or other).
The electrostatic system makes it possible to increase the transfer rate of the paint, that is to say the quantity of product actually placed on the support.
What are the qualities and defects of the electrostatic spray gun?
Advantages of the electrostatic spray gun
Thanks to the quality of the transfer rate, the quantity of product used is reduced and optimized.
In addition, this process allows a significant saving of work time. It is four times faster than painting with a conventional pistol.
The quality of the application, whether the thickness or the regularity, but also the coverage of the support, is close to perfection.
Note also that this process preserves both the health of the person who uses it and the environment, since there is little product lost in the surrounding area, at most 5% of the product used.
Disadvantage of the electrostatic spray gun
The main drawback of the electrostatic spray gun is its price, which makes it a professional equipment.
However, it can be rented for short periods if you have a specific task to perform.
What are the different models of electrostatic spray gun?
The electrostatic spray gun is professional type, which makes it a very expensive equipment.
A few years ago, a particular model was sold, working with suitable cartridges. However, this model has not kept all its promises, it is no longer sold. Overview of the solutions available to you.

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